It features Sarah Tither-Kaplan, who accused Franco of misconduct on the set of his film “The Long Home,” which was shot the same year. The video was posted by a former student - not one of his accusers - two years ago. But I would definitely cross some lines.”Īlso Read: Will James Franco Accusations Hurt His Chances for Oscar, SAG and Spirit Awards? “You either like it or you don’t, or something comes out of it.
“Let’s cross some lines and see how you deal with it,” Franco says in the video, while advising two students playing a lawyer and assistant who are working after-hours. Franco called accusations of misconduct “not accurate.” But it does provide a window into the frank and relaxed atmosphere he tried to create - including by wearing stained pants and a casual cardigan. The video does not prove or disprove accusations from five women that Franco sexually exploited them. TheWrap has obtained footage of the James Franco’s class on “Sex Scenes” at the school where former students - including one woman in the video - have accused him of sexual misconduct.